Dear Stagecoach Estates Lot Owners,
Stagecoach Estates is part of the national Firewise program with the goal of preparing and preventing devastating fire in our community. To be in good standing with the program and be eligible for grants, we must log our efforts in reducing fire risk in Stagecoach Estates. Volunteer hours, contractor hours, education hours, and any money spent to reduce fire risk along roads or on individual lots count. The link to the tracking form is located below.
Stagecoach Estates is part of the national Firewise program with the goal of preparing and preventing devastating fire in our community. To be in good standing with the program and be eligible for grants, we must log our efforts in reducing fire risk in Stagecoach Estates. Volunteer hours, contractor hours, education hours, and any money spent to reduce fire risk along roads or on individual lots count. The link to the tracking form is located below.
Please fill out the form to record each day of activity and money spent on fire prevention. Example: 2 people x 3 hours = 6 hours of activity clearing dead fall, $4 in fuel for chainsaw, $200 wood chipper rental. It is that simple! The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) tracks hours and numbers of events. Submitting a single form at the end of the year with a block of total hours volunteered will not assist us in reaching our goal, so please log hours and costs as you accrue them.
Thinking about wildfire risk as you walk your lot can be overwhelming. Please remember that the most important focus for protecting your property is a 5-foot non-combustible perimeter around your structures. The NFPA website
has great educational information. There are several Stagecoach Estates lot owners who have gone through basic training with the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands on how to reduce fire risk around your building structures. Please feel free to call or write to Fire Committee member Drew Jordan. He will be happy to answer any questions or visit with you on your individual lot to discuss ways to reduce your fire risk.
Drew Jordan
SELOA Fire Preparedness Committee Chair
(801) 556-2850
[email protected]
Together, we can all make Stagecoach Estates a safer place to live.
Thinking about wildfire risk as you walk your lot can be overwhelming. Please remember that the most important focus for protecting your property is a 5-foot non-combustible perimeter around your structures. The NFPA website
has great educational information. There are several Stagecoach Estates lot owners who have gone through basic training with the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands on how to reduce fire risk around your building structures. Please feel free to call or write to Fire Committee member Drew Jordan. He will be happy to answer any questions or visit with you on your individual lot to discuss ways to reduce your fire risk.
Drew Jordan
SELOA Fire Preparedness Committee Chair
(801) 556-2850
[email protected]
Together, we can all make Stagecoach Estates a safer place to live.
Below is a link to information on how to reduce fire risk around your property.
Here is a link to wood chipping services through the Park City Fire District:
Firewise USA - Certificate of Acceptance
Below is the certificate of acceptance in to the Firewise program for Stagecoach Estates. Some insurance homeowner policies offer a premium discount and this certificate should suffice as proof that our association is in good standing in the program.
Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan
The Stagecoach Estates CWPP details our risk of wildfire and the steps we are taking to prepare for wildfire. This plan is submitted to the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands.
Links to other resources: